My daughter, Rosa, appears just at the end of one section of the video footage so I checked with her if she was OK with me using it. She was but didn’t want to see the resulting video. We had shed tears and shared hugs when we had visited the derelict site of Our Lady’s. She had been there with me as a very small baby when I was a patient. I called the piece “Who we are/Where we are” and started with a direct address to the audience.
This is the text of my introduction: Hello, Kia Ora When the idea of this task was introduced, I freaked out a bit because voice can be problematic for me Once when I was very poorly I became selectively mute. Briefly. There was no physiological reason for me to stop speaking. I just did. (move from centre stage left to centre stage right) When I am skinless when my skin is so thin Thinner than membrane under eggshell than cling film gladwrap cellophane than the membrane between the layers of an onion Then I am fragile frail feeble Then I have no voice (play video of Our Lady Hospital with Sue Curnow’s voice over, chorusing with her from “we project ourselves”. When the video stops I carry on speaking Sue’s transcribed script bringing the recorded sound and content completely live into the space. Slowly I repeat key phrases) the voice identity our history our genetic make up we project ourselves making concrete (in our heads) tied up with who we are where we are It went OK. I was proud of making myself vulnerable and being brave. Less proud of the execution, but once again had to remind myself of the experimental nature of the space.
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Viv HarrisNotes from FADS sessions Archives
January 2020
QMUL Perf Lab